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Areas of Expertise

Health Coaching

As a health coach, my mission is to support and guide you towards achieving your optimal well-being through personalized diet and lifestyle changes. Together, we embark on a transformative journey, navigating the holistic approach known as the IIN Circle of Life.


Within this circle, we recognize the interplay between primary and secondary foods. Primary foods encompass various aspects of our lives, such as relationships, career, physical activity, spirituality, finance, and confidence. These elements form the foundation of our well-being. When any of these areas are out of balance, it can have a direct impact on our secondary food, the food we consume.


By understanding the significance of this interconnectedness, we can effectively address imbalances and restore harmony. As your dedicated health coach, I accompany you in identifying the areas of your life that require attention. Together, we create realistic goals and actionable steps to help you rebalance these key areas.


Through a personalized and holistic approach, we explore your relationship with food, physical activity, and the various dimensions of your life. Together, we uncover the root causes of any imbalances and develop strategies tailored to your unique circumstances.


My role is to provide unwavering support, compassionate guidance, and practical tools that empower you on your journey to well-being. Together, we cultivate sustainable habits and nourish your mind, body, and spirit, helping you to achieve long-lasting transformations.


Are you ready to embark on this transformative path? Let's begin the journey towards optimal well-being and unlock your full potential.

Nutritionist - ASCA

Embracing a holistic approach to nutrition, I offer comprehensive guidance to individuals seeking to enhance their dietary habits and overall well-being. By incorporating evidence-based knowledge and drawing upon the benefits of a plant-centric diet, I provide customized support to help you achieve optimal nutrition and vitality.

Transitioning towards a more mindful and nourishing way of eating is a journey that I am here to support you on. Through a holistic lens, I take into account your unique requirements, preferences, and goals, tailoring my approach to meet your specific needs.

Together, we will explore your current dietary patterns, lifestyle factors, and health aspirations, enabling us to develop a personalized nutrition plan. By integrating plant-based principles, we can maximize the nutrient density of your meals, while ensuring a balanced and sustainable approach to your overall well-being.

Throughout our collaboration, I will share valuable insights, practical strategies, and evidence-based information to empower you in making informed choices. By embracing the benefits of plant-centric nutrition, we can optimize your health, enhance your vitality, and promote a harmonious relationship with food.

Whether you are curious about plant-based options, striving for a more balanced diet, or seeking to revitalize your nutrition, I am here to guide and support you. Let's embark on a transformative journey towards achieving holistic wellness through the power of nourishing foods.

Hormonal Health 

From adrenal fatigue and high blood sugar to fertility concerns and thyroid disorders, hormone imbalances can often be the underlying cause of many challenges we encounter. At my practice, I specialize in helping clients restore balance in their body, mind, and everyday life by implementing holistic shifts to their diet and lifestyle that prioritize their hormonal health and overall well-being.


Recognizing the intricate connection between our hormones and well-being, I work closely with clients to identify the root causes of their hormone imbalances. Through a comprehensive and individualized approach, we address the unique factors that contribute to these imbalances.

Together, we develop a tailored plan that encompasses nourishing dietary choices, mindful lifestyle adjustments, and evidence-based practices. By making holistic shifts, we support the body's natural healing processes, promote hormonal equilibrium, and optimize overall health.


I firmly believe that true well-being extends beyond the absence of symptoms. That's why I take a holistic view, considering the interplay between diet, lifestyle, stress levels, and other factors that impact hormonal health. With a focus on education and empowerment, I equip clients with the tools and knowledge necessary to make sustainable changes and regain control of their well-being.


Whether you're seeking relief from specific hormone-related concerns or simply desire to enhance your overall vitality, I am here to guide you on your journey. Together, we will restore balance, nourish your body and mind, and cultivate a lifestyle that promotes long-term hormonal health and well-being.

Reflexology - ASCA

Reflexology, one of my favorite therapies, is a gentle and effective treatment that involves applying precise pressure to specific points on your feet, hands, and face. This therapeutic technique offers numerous benefits, helping you experience a greater sense of well-being and supporting the optimal functioning of your body.


By targeting these reflex points, reflexology works to alleviate stress, tension, and discomfort, promoting deep relaxation and a profound sense of calm. It encourages the body's natural ability to heal and restore balance, enhancing overall health and vitality.


Not only does reflexology provide a blissful and soothing experience, but it also has the potential to enhance the functioning of various bodily systems. By stimulating the reflex points, this therapy can support improved circulation, enhance energy flow, and optimize the functioning of organs and glands. It is a holistic approach that encourages harmony between mind, body, and spirit.


During a reflexology session, I apply skillful pressure to specific points, tailoring the treatment to address your unique needs and concerns. As you unwind and let go, you will experience a profound sense of relaxation, allowing your body to release tension and promoting a greater sense of well-being.


Whether you are seeking relief from stress, relaxation, or support in your overall wellness journey, reflexology can be a wonderful addition to your self-care routine. Allow me to guide you through this therapeutic practice, helping you tap into your body's innate healing wisdom and empowering you to feel your best.

Radical Remission Health Coach

As a Radical Remission Health Coach, I offer specialized coaching services that are inspired by the groundbreaking work of Dr. Kelly Turner in the field of integrative oncology. Radical remission refers to the unexpected and profound healing experienced by some individuals with cancer and other serious illnesses, often in the absence of a clear medical explanation.

My role as a Radical Remission Health Coach is to guide and support individuals seeking to integrate the factors associated with radical remission into their lives. This includes exploring the impact of diet, stress reduction, spirituality, and other lifestyle factors identified by Dr. Turner through her extensive research on individuals who have experienced radical remission.

Through personalized coaching, I empower my clients to make informed decisions, set achievable goals, and develop strategies to optimize their overall well-being. By drawing on the principles outlined by Dr. Turner and other relevant research, I help individuals navigate their healing journey and potentially improve their health outcomes.

Ongoing studies and trainings

Vegan Nutrition - Ecodemy University

Brain Health Certification - Amen University

Compassionate Inquiry Training - Dr. Gabor Maté and Sat Dharam Kaur

Mindfulness Life Coach Certification - Transformation Academy

Naturopathy Studies - Federal Diploma - Esclarmonde

My Approach

My Message

We are all here for a purpose. Our journey in this world is filled with challenges and struggles that shape our experiences and guide us towards our true calling. Finding our purpose is never easy; it requires perseverance and resilience. Just like the countless times we fell before we learned to walk, life's challenges teach us valuable lessons and define our paths.


Think about the first steps you took as a child. You stumbled and fell, but you never gave up. Through persistence, you learned to walk. Similarly, we learn and grow through the falls and failures we encounter along our paths. Each stumble becomes an opportunity for growth and an invitation to rise stronger than before.


While some individuals may have an easier journey due to their supportive environment, we all possess the ability to overcome challenges with love, strength, and determination. Personally, it took me time and countless struggles to reach where I am today. I am infinitely grateful for those experiences as they have shaped me into the person I am now.


If you find yourself facing difficult times, remember that it is a transformative learning experience. Embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth and evolution. These moments of adversity will empower you, making you stronger and more resilient. Trust that you have the capacity to navigate through life's challenges and emerge victorious.


I firmly believe in your inner strength and potential. You are capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes your way. Embrace the journey, cherish the lessons learned, and keep growing. The universe has a beautiful plan for you, and I have full confidence in your ability to thrive.

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